
We truly appreciate your loyalty
acrylic and gel nails treatment


Each time you visit us for a treatment, you’ll collect 1 BRewards point. Gather 10 points to unlock your exclusive discount!


After collecting 10 points, claim your R280 discount on your next treatment. Simply let our team know, and your points will be applied!


With your BRewards discount in hand, indulge in your favorite beauty services while continuing to collect points for future rewards!

Terms and Conditions
  1. Eligibility:
    The BRewards program is open to all Belleza Nail and Beauty clients. Membership is free and automatic upon your first treatment.

  2. Earning Points:

    • Clients will earn 1 point for each qualifying treatment.
    • Points are awarded for treatments with a value of R110 or more. Treatments less than R110, as well as sunbed sessions and permanent makeup services, do not qualify for points.
    • Points will only be awarded if you present your loyalty card at the time of payment. If the card is not presented, points will not be added to your account.
    • Points are non-transferable and cannot be shared with other clients.
  3. Redeeming Points:

    • Once 10 points are collected, clients can redeem a R280 discount on one qualifying treatment.
    • The discount can only be applied to one treatment and cannot be split across multiple services or combined with other offers.
    • The discount is only valid on services and cannot be used for retail products, sunbed sessions, or permanent makeup services.
    • The discount is non-redeemable for cash.
  4. Point Expiry:
    Points earned through the BRewards program expire 12 months from the date they were earned. Please make sure to redeem them before they expire.

  5. Non-Transferable:
    Points and rewards cannot be transferred between clients or combined with other loyalty programs.

  6. Exclusions:

    • Treatments with a value less than R110, sunbed usage, and permanent makeup are excluded from the BRewards program, both for earning points and redeeming discounts.
    • BRewards discounts cannot be used for group bookings, corporate events, or gift vouchers.
  7. Program Changes:
    Belleza Nail and Beauty reserves the right to modify or terminate the BRewards program at any time without prior notice. In the event of program termination, any existing points will be honored for a specific period.

  8. Fraudulent Activity:
    Any misuse or fraudulent activity related to the BRewards program may result in the cancellation of your loyalty account and forfeiture of all points earned.